Today’s Podcast with Dutchy and Deeksy is with the Victoria Police Association Secretary Wayne Gatt.

In this podcast we discussed with Wayne the Blue hub pilot which the Police Association has been working on where our members will be able to attend and receive help and assistance through qualified services specific to emergency services trauma.

It’s going to be a physical ” One stop” centre in Parkville. The Government has pledged funds for this pilot to occur.

We discussed the outgoing Chief Commissioner and the TPAV working together on the one specific message of mental health and we also look forward to working with our new Chief Commissioner Shane Patton. So grab a coffee and sit with us for 20 minutes and listen in to Dutchy and Deeksy.

A big thank you to Ian “Podcast King” McWilliam for sound producing and recording the podcast, and to Sandringham Yacht Club for use of their boardroom.

You can listen via the link at the bottom of this post.

This podcast features:

  • Glenn (Dutchy) Holland
  • John Deeks – Melbourne Radio 3AW
  • Wayne Gatt – Victoria Police Association Secretary

Sound recordist: Ian McWilliam

  • Facebook
Tim Peck – TPAV well being, Wayne Gatt – TPAV secretary and Glenn (Dutchy) Holland

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