Triathlon Victoria Duathlon Series supporting #fightingptsdvicpol campaign

I know many people say they would love to do a triathlon but the swim leg is what puts them off participating.

Well lets change that and replace the swim leg with a run.

Victoria Duathlon series is around the corner.

Thats a run,bike,run event – no swim

When I started the #fightingptsdvicpol campaign back in October 2016, I was participating in triathlons races in Victoria and Queensland to help raise awareness for #ptsd and mental health issues for our #vicpol members.

I have always been an advocate for the sport and in my first season in 2015.

I was the inaugural winner of Triathlon Victoria most inspiring performance award. Couch to Ironman in 12 months. I love the sport and am proud to advertise that Triathlon Victoria have again come out to support the #fightingptsdvicpol campaign

A message from Grant Cosgriff – Executive Director of Triathlon Victoria.

Congrats on your fundraising work and yes I do remember you from the 2015 TV Awards … indeed the first winner of the most inspiring performance award (couch to IM if I remember correctly)

We’d love to support you and offer the following 

We’ll donate your entry fee back to the #fightingptsdvicpol campaign (series or individual races) and donate $10 (series entry) and $5 (single race entry) for any persons that select “Glenn Holland #fightingptsdvicpol” at entry

The $10 series donation is uncapped, the $5 single race entry capped at $100 (Note this is for sprint entries, dash entries will be at half this rate)

Keep up the great work, good luck with the fundraising and hopefully we can get a big crew from MPTC racing over the Duathlon Series

Cheers Grant

To find out more about the series and to sign up please visit the webpage and go to the event tabs.

click here for further information and entry

Don’t forget to select “Glenn Holland #fightingptsdvicpol” at the section of how did you here about the event 

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